The rare treasure on aqua grabber is the black pearl on clam waters it is worth 50 coins. There you have it!
You wait at the bottom
grab it hahahahaha
it helps you play aqua grabber. it blows bubbles for you!
you press spacebar when your over it ( the cream soda)
To see the giant squid on club penguin just go play aqua grabber! Oh and if you do see the squid you get a stamp.
The Aqua-Grabber game is at the iceberg, click on the diving vehicle on the right side of the it.
go to the hidden lake and click on the broken aqua grabber
on the iceberg it is on the far right of the map
You wait at the bottom
grab it hahahahaha
Yes, there is but you need to get the massive pearl
the broken aqua grabber in the hidden lake
Aqua grabber and fishing are good for getting coins in club penguin.
You go AROUND it :)
u grab him when he is asleep
He is the penguin who makes the gadgets on club penguin. He made the Aqua Grabber, Jet packs, and even the Effects thing in the stage! sweettart66
A pink puffle can play any puffle game. The Aqua Grabber game is its favorite. Go to the iceberg to play Aqua Grabber.