go the opposite way of the clam and there will be a rock its shaped like a circle and pick it up and put it in the clams mouth and pick up the pearl and ta da u won
the black pearl
the pearls
The rare treasure on aqua grabber is the black pearl on clam waters it is worth 50 coins. There you have it!
Aqua Grabber Is Played At The Iceberg On Club Penguin. The Iceberg Is A White Block Of Ice On The Side Of The Map. Most Penguins Do Not Know That There Is An Iceberg. If YOU Know Where The Iceberg Is Press It And Then Press The Submarine That Says "Aqua Grabber". I Hope I Helped. Thankyou
Yes, there is but you need to get the massive pearl
There is no broken aqua grabber but there is one good one at the iceberg.
Everytime it goes to other and other but keep looking
Collect soda barrels then find the amethyst and take it into the net
Jumps a rope / does the trampoline its favirote game is aqua grabber
You collect all the pearls from the blue clams, if you don't run into anything they will sleep and yawm, then you grab them by holding space. At the end the grand pearl is in the big clam, on the right of that there is a big rock that looks like a pearl, put that in the clams mouth, then take the pearl to the net.
The Aqua-Grabber game is at the iceberg, click on the diving vehicle on the right side of the it.
go to the hidden lake and click on the broken aqua grabber