The phantom dragon is in the Great Desert, where the glass "land sharks" are (the ones that spilt the world in half). Before you go there you must defeat the Moody dragon in the Underground river and talk to the old man in the entrance to the under town of Kelaso village.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon - root Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Fusion monster utilizing 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Can be Special Summoned by Tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Paladin of White Dragon - Can be Tributed to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon SIN Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Alternate form of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, to be released in Duelist Pack Kaiba in April 2010.
Yes, blue-eyes shining dragon can destroy a rainbow dragon.
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Burst Stream of Destruction Dragon Master Knight Kaibaman Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Paladin of White Dragon The White Stone of Legend White Dragon Ritual
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Blue eyes white dragon. Here's why 1. Blue eyes white dragon has a better fusion, which is blue eyes ultimate dragon, and then, blue eyes ultimate dragon has another fusion with black luster soldier to make the 5000+ATK/DEF. All red eyes black dragon has is to fuse with summoned skull and make B. Skull Dragon with 3200 ATK and 2500 DEF, in addition to Meteor B. Dragon, which also is not as powerful as blue eyes ultimate dragon. 2. The two both require two tributes, but blue eyes white dragon has 3000 ATK and 2500 DEF; Red Eyes B. Dragon only has 2400 ATK and 2000 DEF. Neither have an effect, which makes Blue Eyes White Dragon better in attack and defense. There is one thing that makes red eyes black dragon unique red eyes black dragon has many relatives: red eyes metal dragon red eyes zombie dragon red eyes b. chick red eyes darkness metal dragon B. Skull Dragon Meteor B. Dragon Blue eyes white dragon has: Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Dragon Master Knight Blue Eyes Shining Dragon Blue Eyed Silver Zombie Blue Eyes Toon Dragon This is my opinion.
Phantom Blue ended in 2001.
Phantom Blue was created in 1987.
a blue dragon is about a blue dragon
Rainbow Dark Dragon is a secret rare in Phantom Darkness.
no its not its on windwaker
It is in packs of Phantom Darkness.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Dragon Master Knight (In a way)
Go to kelaso village and talk to the eldar and then look in these locations:- Moody Dragon - Underground River (behind blue barrier - defeat the kelelons to make it appear) Phantom Dragon - In the desert where the Glass Spires are. Amethyst Dragon - Along coastal road. Blizzard Dragon - In the wild outside of Kelaso village Spark Dragon - behind a barrier (red I believe) in the Gul Mountains. Defeat all these and get their fangs from the chests that appear. Then give them to the eldar and he will give you the bracelet.
Blue Dragon happened in 360.
There is no "code" to get the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. You can get the Blue-Eyes Dragon from the Ultimate Dragon Pack.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon - root Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Fusion monster utilizing 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Can be Special Summoned by Tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Paladin of White Dragon - Can be Tributed to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon SIN Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Alternate form of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, to be released in Duelist Pack Kaiba in April 2010.
Parental Bonding