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To get the key, play level one of Puffle Rescue. (Black Puffle) NOTE: You must be a member. Get the puffle, but stay there and don't go back to the starting place to move on to level two. You will see a giant squid. It might be the same one from Aqua Grabber. Follow it. It will leave a trail of bubbles behind it which you must use to stay up high so you don't sink. You will eventually reach a secret area. Use a bubble to get yourself onto the green platform and swim over to where you will find a staircase. Go down the staircase. You will be in the same ocean room from the Cave Expedition where the free backgrounds were. This time, they're giving out free pins. Key pins. Yes, that's the key that this answer is all about (Remember, you must be a member).

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Q: Where is the key on clubpenguin to the hidden lake?
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The Hidden Lake

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you have to be a member like me

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You are not able to get it when you are not a member. Sorry.

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Well the Club Penguin hard hats are in the room right before you go to the hidden lake!

What do you do with the moss key pin?

you open up the door in the hidden lake

How do you the key to the door in the hidden lake in clu penguin?

you dont need one :]