Start in front of Pokemon center in jubilife city,then 6 steps left,19 steps up, 10 steps left,6 steps up,and go in.
He's on the 3rd floor of the TV Station in Jublife City, standing next to a woman.
the three clowns r at jubilife tv station the building next to jubilife tv station the block above the Pokemon center hop u can find them :)
go to jublife city into the tv center to the 3rd floor talk to a man next to a woman answer with Everybody happy then wifi connection when he has stoped talking save then restart and you will see mystery gift (i am searching on how to activate it
ok go to the jublife tv studio and talk to the man in charge he will ask you a 2 questions for the first question type in everyone happy then for the second type in wi-fi connection and then save and turn off the ds start it up again and then you should have mystery gift.
The Pokemon Diamond and Pearl series can be watched on the official Pokemon TV website or by watching them using the Pokemon TV app for iOS and Android. You can also download the Diamond and Pearl episodes legally through the Pokemon TV app, but only up to 3 episodes at a time.
He's on the 3rd floor of the TV Station in Jublife City, standing next to a woman.
I think you mean accessories for your which case go to jublife TV center. Accessories can be obtained by winning contests (Hearthome City), getting them off of people, or by winning the daily lottery (Jublife TV center).
first you obviously go to jub life then look for a building with a tv screen
going through the door?
see the jublife city,go to jublife tv in the upper left walk inside then go straight if you get 5 digits in a row on you Pokemon id number you win a master ball or use action replay
In jublife city go to the tv station's 3rd floor and talk to a man in the bottom half of the room and say"everyone happy" for his first question and"wi-fi connection" for his other question.
you need to go to the jublife TV station and talk to the lottery man and to get a Master ball you need to get the exacet same ID.number
well you got to jublife city and go into the jublife tv place and go to the top
the tv station has it (i think its in veilstone) the tv station is at jubilife city The TV station is in Jubilife city!!
Go to Jublife city and go to the tv station 3rd floor and talk to the man at the bottom of the screen and he'll ask you about the tv tell him everyone happy and then he'll ask you something else and tell him WI-FI and connection and then he will give you the mystery gift
It is in the city with the TV station. You need the first badge to acess it. Josh Which is jubilife city, on the left hand side of the city. Thanks for help.The GTS is in Jublife City.
Go to tv station in jublife city, go to third floor and talk to the man at the bottom of the room.he will ask you what do you think about tv and then fill in everyone happy. then he will ask for feedback. fill in wi-fi connection. Save and open your game and you'll see mystry gift.