He's on the 3rd floor of the TV Station in Jublife City, standing next to a woman.
The Pokemon Diamond and Pearl series can be watched on the official Pokemon TV website or by watching them using the Pokemon TV app for iOS and Android. You can also download the Diamond and Pearl episodes legally through the Pokemon TV app, but only up to 3 episodes at a time.
Keep checking on tv or in sandgem town with that litttle girl in the house on the bottom left
go to the creepy house in the forest and go to the room with the TV and look at the TV but i think it will only work if you have reached a certain point in the game.
In Pokemon Diamond, Professor Rowan's assistant will give the play an Exp Share item on Route 206. One may also be won in the Pokemon Lottery on Jubilife TV.
the three clowns r at jubilife tv station the building next to jubilife tv station the block above the Pokemon center hop u can find them :)
If you're talking about rotom, I'm told you find it IN the TV
ROTOM! you can find the plasma Pokemon in the tv of the old chateau!!!
To find rotom in Pokemon diamond you go 2 the old chateua in Eterna Forest and go 2 the middle room upstairs and then go to the room with the TV Rotom's in the TV. Hope I Helped.
Buy them at Veilstone City where Ash's rival to TV series Pokemon Diamond & Pearl. From Akatsukiiub1
You need to watch the TV for the Route that the outbreak takes place.
The Pokemon Diamond and Pearl series can be watched on the official Pokemon TV website or by watching them using the Pokemon TV app for iOS and Android. You can also download the Diamond and Pearl episodes legally through the Pokemon TV app, but only up to 3 episodes at a time.
its not as simple as you would think, but go here for the four words you need http://www.filb.de/games/nds/dp/box
Keep checking on tv or in sandgem town with that litttle girl in the house on the bottom left
Zoey is the girl from the Diamond/Pearl tv show who becomes Dawn's rival. She is a Pokemon coordinator at the Pokemon contests. Zoey is not in the games, however.
After you get the National Pokedex in Diamond, go to the Old Chateau at night. Go into the room with the tv, and press a at it.
to get the mystery gift go to the jublife tv station. then go to the 3rd floor and talk to the guy. when he asks you what your opinion is on the tv or something tell him "EVERYONE HAPPY" then he'll ask you again then say "WIFI CONNECTION" he'll then say something about the mystery gift. then save your gave and turn it off. then on the pokemon diamond welcome screen it will say mystery gift. *you can still play pokemon diamond when you have this and it does not require an action replay* Thanks but do you need to have someone with the same game as you and the same type of ds to give it to you? By the way, what is the mystery gift? go to a toys r us store and buy the mystery gift there on a day if a mystery event. i think march 5-8th there is a shaymin or something.
If your talking about the TV show,it was Pokemon diamond and pearl