the three clowns r at
jubilife tv station
the building next to jubilife tv station
the block above the Pokemon center
hop u can find them :)
You go to the three caves and catch them.
By trading the other starters with other players of Diamond or Pearl.
If you mean to obtain a poketch, it's very simple: First, you go to Jubilife and you'll be stopped by a man. He'll send you on a scavenger hunt for three clowns. The clowns are located by of the Poketch Building, behind the Pokemon Center and one's in front of the TV Building.
Sorry, you can not get tepig in pokemon diamond version because diamond is a 4th generation game and tepig is a 5th generation pokemon. Get black/white!
I need to use the bathroom
I think that it is the same for Platinum as in Diamond and Pearl, which is go to the Pokétch Company and talk to some guy and if you have the coupons he'll give it to you.
You go to the three caves and catch them.
By trading the other starters with other players of Diamond or Pearl.
Judy Collins did the best version in my opinion
It's impossible -- you must trade to get all three.
find clowns in jublife city then talk to poketech guy
If you mean to obtain a poketch, it's very simple: First, you go to Jubilife and you'll be stopped by a man. He'll send you on a scavenger hunt for three clowns. The clowns are located by of the Poketch Building, behind the Pokemon Center and one's in front of the TV Building.
Ash has 6 Pokemon in Diamond version
I dont have pokemon diamond
You can buy Pokemon Diamond version at your local electronics store in the Video Game section.
You can't get to it on Diamond Version. Only on Platinum Version. It isn't on Diamond Version. Plus, you have to have a special Regigas from Mystery Gift that they don't distribute anymore. Owen
using two ds consoles and two diamond games on them. <[his]. [mine]> i hate it it takes all your money.