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If you mean to obtain a poketch, it's very simple: First, you go to Jubilife and you'll be stopped by a man. He'll send you on a scavenger hunt for three clowns. The clowns are located by of the Poketch Building, behind the Pokemon Center and one's in front of the TV Building.

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Q: In Pokemon diamond how do you find poketch campaign?
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In Pokeman diamond how do you find poketch campaign?

.Hey!Goooch fake gps, an app can help you virtual positioning. Come on!

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you have to find out how to Hoe if u ask this question again ill post it again

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After she flees from the island, she roams the sinnoh region. Then you can use your poketch app that you use to find mesprit, and hunt it down.

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yes you find a flame plate in stark mountain although its hidden and you need the dowsing poketch app.

Where can you find the Dowsing Machine on Pokemon Platinum?

its a poketch app.

Can't find marking map in Pokemon diamond?

Go to Jubilife City and go to the Poketch company after you have done the hearthome gym and talk to the guy in the purple jacket.

Can you pick up a dusk stone from a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

no you cant you have to find it on the ground (its looks like a normal pokeball) (or its invisible and u have to use the poketch app to find 1 but ive never known any1 who has done it)

Where is the Suite Key in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

The Suite Key is northwest in front of the entrance to the beach of Route 213. You will need to use the Dowsing Machine Poketch App to find it.

Where do you find the itemfinder in Pokemon Diamond Game?

the proffesors assistant (dawn or lucas) gives it to you sometime in the game. i forgot where because my playing time is 70 hours. it is a poketch application

How do you find the Suite Key on Pokemon Diamond Version?

you have to use the dowsing app on your poketch (app #7) in Valor Lakefront near the hotel. you tap on your poketch and it will respond with a blinking circle. then just press the A button on random tiles near the hotel and eventually you will find the suite key.Smilelily:OMG thanks for talling me you rock!