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You can find it right next to the TV station in jubilfe city.

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Q: Where do you find the poketch company on Pokemon pearl?
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Where can you find the marking poketch app on Pokemon pearl?

Go to Jubilife City and go into the poketch company towards the top left of the town. Talk to the professor. Keep talking to him until he gives you the marking poketch app.

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You can find it on any route. Just use the poketch app marking map!

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When he/she gets friendly enough by leveling it up. You can find out the friendship level by getting a poketch app in eterna city Pokemon center

How do you get all the poketch apps in Pokemon pearl when i did get it i connot find it?

you can find all of the poketch apps in jubilife city but you have to of completed all of the gyms before you can get them all. first you have go to jubilife city. 2 you have to go to the tv room.3 you have to talk to the guy next to the counter.

Where do you find the poke radar app for the poketch on Pokemon pearl?

the poke radar isn't an app it is a key item, i think you get from prof rowan after completing the national dex

Where do you find the happiness meter in Pokemon diamond?

It's on your Poketch.

Where can you find the Dowsing Machine on Pokemon Platinum?

its a poketch app.

Where is the Suite Key in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

The Suite Key is northwest in front of the entrance to the beach of Route 213. You will need to use the Dowsing Machine Poketch App to find it.

Were do you find dowsing machine in platinum I'm at the Pokemon league and i have looked every were and i cant find it pleazzzzz HELP?

i think there is the dowsing machine app for poketch at the jubilife company

In Pokemon Pearl where do you find Dialga?

you do not find dialga in Pokemon pearl

Can't find marking map in Pokemon diamond?

Go to Jubilife City and go to the Poketch company after you have done the hearthome gym and talk to the guy in the purple jacket.