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first waddle to the bag located near the coffee maker which says "java" in the coffee shop

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Q: Where is the java sack in club penguin?
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What is a java sack?

A Coffee Bean Sack

Where is Rockhoppers sack on Club Penguin?

There is only a sack when rockhopper visits the island which isn't very often but there is alot you can do in his boat when he does visit Club Penguin...You will see a lot of signs when he does visit..........You also get free stuff like pirate costumes ... but members usually are first in line ...

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java beans,fish,anvils,and flowerpots.

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Is there a Club Penguin heaven on Club Penguin?

NoNo, there isn't a Club Penguin Heaven.You can't die on Club Penguin.

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Club penguin club penguin club penguin club penguin guffins guffins guffins

Can you get on the old Club Penguin?

Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.

How do you complete java beans on club penguin?

Well, just go back and forth to collect beans but not the anvils and flower pots and fish

What are the walkthroughs to Club Penguin?

There Is No Walkthroughs On Club Penguin Club Penguin Is A Virtual World

Is there Club Penguin heaven?

There is not a club penguin heaven. On club penguin there is a HQ if you do not know about it.