It is at the top of the lost tower. An old lady will giv it to you.
youdon't defog is a hm move that is in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum
You need the HM Defog which is in the Safari Zone. Then you need to teach it to a flying-type Pokemon on your team (it is a flying type move). Keep this Pokemon in your party and you should be able to get past the grunts
there is no dive in diamond,pearl,or platnuim.just cut,fly,surf,strength,defog,rock smash,waterfall,and rock climb.
The HM move Defog allows the trainer to clear the road ahead of any mist or fog. The fog makes it hard to see where you are going in the game, and also lowers your Pokemon's accuracy in battle. The move Defog in battle lowers the target Pokemon's evasiveness. HM05 Defog can be learnt predominately by Flying-type Pokemon.
I suggest you bring a Pokemon that has the move defog,and then use defog to see better while in the cave.
youdon't defog is a hm move that is in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum
You get the HM Defog in the Solaceon of lost tower
at the bottom of the solaceon ruins, left of soleceon town
The 5th hidden move is defog the 6th is rocksmash the 7th is waterfall and the 8th is rock climb. HAPPY TRAINING!
to get rid or fog or mist who is stopping your sight of playing
The route east from Veilstone city. TIP: bring Defog and Rock Climb!
you have t find the hm then you teach it to a Pokemon. then if it is fly of defog you just go to the Pokemon screen and select the Pokemon and it will use it if it is strength rocksmash or watterfall and rock climb then you go up to the thing you want to go through and press a and it will use it. come to my message board if you have anyother question.
go to pastoia city and go in to the great marsh there will be a person to the right that's where you get it
The hidden move defog in diamond and pearl is located in the Solace ruins. Follow the directions on the sign and you will get the HM defog.
You need the HM Defog which is in the Safari Zone. Then you need to teach it to a flying-type Pokemon on your team (it is a flying type move). Keep this Pokemon in your party and you should be able to get past the grunts
you can get it from a guy called riley in front of the entrance to iron island