On Cinnabar Island (now destroyed), You must obtain the 15 badges and go see him, he will say some crap about your worth then tell you to meet him at the gym, the trainers may have normal types but he is a all-around leader, Just like rivals, he uses 1 of each type.
You Can Catch Pikachu In Viridian Forest. Morning
Blue is the viridian gym leader and red is on top of mt silver once you beat all the kanto gyms
seafoam islands
you win it from the8th gym leader
in viridian city
Viridian city
He is on Cinnabarr Island.
The last gym is in viridian city
Defeat the viridian city gym leader Blue.
Blackthorn if you are including Kanto its Viridian Pokegamer01
Blue is the Viridian City Gym Leader (Badge #16)
on cinnibar island beat the 7th gym 1st tho
Just north of Viridian City in Kanto
you have to find it in viridian forest
He is the gym leader Viridian city
south of viridian city