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Q: How do you face the 13th gym leader in Pokemon soul silver?
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What do you do after the 8thgym leader on Pokemon soul silver?

Face the elite four.

Where to face blue and red on Pokemon HeartGold?

Red is at the top of Mt. Silver. Blue is the Viridian City Gym Leader.

How do you face the 7 gym leader in Kanto in soul silver?

face him, click on him, then have courage and believe!

How do you face the gym leader viridian in soul silver?

to face the viridian gym leader Blue (Gary) you have to get the first 7 of the gym badges from the kanto region and speak to him on cinnibar island, he will return to the gym an await your challange. his Pokemon are quite strong so train hard :)

Who is the 8th gym leader in Pokemon black?

The 8th gym leader is Drayden, who uses Dragon-type Pokemon. You face him in Opelucid City.

Who is Pryce in Pokemon Gold?

The gym leader of Mahogany Town. He uses Ice-type Pokemon. You face him as the 7th gym leader in the game.

Were is the lasrt gym leader in johto in Pokemon soul silver?

Clair the dragon tamer but its not so easy she makes you face the dragons den and after pass a test then she hands over your badge

How do you battle the last gym leader in pokemon heartgold?

first get a ice type Pokemon then go threw the whole gym face gym leader and get the badge

What do do after you beat the 4 gym leader in Pokemon soulsilver?

you go west of ecturek and face the gym leader of olivine

What Pokemon can learn scary face on Pokemon soul silver?

dark type and some fire types

What do you do after you beat the Pokemon league the first time in soul silver?

Go brag to your friends and ell hem i won pokemon silver and you didnt! hahahahahaha in your face.

What to do after getting starter Pokemon from dr oak soul silver?

You get a dick in your face :)