As you enter the main gate, hang a left and run up the long curvy hill. It is a little way up.
To leave a guild, you click on the guild tab in the social menu. You then just right-click on your name and select 'Leave Guild'. A message will then come up saying 'Do you really want to leave this guild?' and then select 'yes'. Using the chat command '/gquit' will also work.
If you are high enough in the guild that you have this power you press hot key "o" and select guild along the bottom. Then at the bottom there should be a button that says "invite guild member" click it and type in the name of the person you want to invite.
you have to be in a guild to do guild battles and you have to be the leader to do a battle
Ask for an invite to A guild. Only Officers, Leaders, or The Founder of a Guild can Invite You. You can also make your own guild
Gotri the bag vendor is located in The Drag, Orgrimmar. His exact location is 59.2, 53.6 (inside Orgrimmar), for those using a coordinate addon
played wow for many years and its getting horrible. so guild wars is better.
/gdisband what a quitter, lol
If the guild no longer exists there is no way to really find it unless you have connections with people that used to be in that specific guild
Nope only guild masters are able to buy additional bank tabs.
Most of the major towns have Guild Registrars. There is one in Pre-Searing in Ascalon City. They are in all the port cities (LA, Kaineng, Kamadan) as well as a few other towns.
This is an option that Guild Masters can choose in their guild menu (J button, Guild Administration). Here there's an option to allow guild members to use guild money to repair, and you can set the daily limit for it. It's linked to the gold in the guild bank.
There is no official way in game to have your guild tax your guild members. There might be an addon or two that will help guild leaders try to do a guild tax, however, with the two guild perks that give money to the guild everytime a member loots a mob, there really is no need for a tax.
You're unable to transfer a character that is either: -In a guild -Has an active auction -Has a mail in the mailbox So no, the guild wont be moving :)