If you are high enough in the guild that you have this power you press hot key "o" and select guild along the bottom. Then at the bottom there should be a button that says "invite guild member" click it and type in the name of the person you want to invite.
Ask for an invite to A guild. Only Officers, Leaders, or The Founder of a Guild can Invite You. You can also make your own guild
Easiest way is to schedule the event on the in-game calendar. It will let you invite your whole guild or just select levels/classes.
To leave a guild, you click on the guild tab in the social menu. You then just right-click on your name and select 'Leave Guild'. A message will then come up saying 'Do you really want to leave this guild?' and then select 'yes'. Using the chat command '/gquit' will also work.
As you enter the main gate, hang a left and run up the long curvy hill. It is a little way up.
The guildmaster sets the level that you need to be to invite other people to the guild. This could be any level from the lowest level to only the guildmaster being allowed to invite. Ask in your guild chat to see what level is required to invite.
Go to guild home page, look on the far left and under options you will see Invite, click on that. type in the user name you want to invite to the guild. Click on Invite!
Ask for an invite to A guild. Only Officers, Leaders, or The Founder of a Guild can Invite You. You can also make your own guild
If the guild no longer exists there is no way to really find it unless you have connections with people that used to be in that specific guild
get a good motto i have over 10 people in my guild and over 30 messages
played wow for many years and its getting horrible. so guild wars is better.
Easiest way is to schedule the event on the in-game calendar. It will let you invite your whole guild or just select levels/classes.
Type /ginvite [PLAYER NAME HERE]into the chat window.This will invite the other player online into your guild.
/gdisband what a quitter, lol
you have to be a leave 15 i think but if you know how to get people as you friend then it's the same way. You click on them and then you click add to Guild. if you have any more question's then add me it's Kendra Draksea