It is located underneath the game corner in celadon city.
You can not buy Pokemon from the game corner in Pokemon diamond, but you can in heartgold and soulsilver
That is available in Team Rocket Game Corner in celadon city
You must be have a eyes glases you can found it in underground of game corner in celadon city
you have to defeat team rocket at their secret base at the game corner and the boss drops it after you defeat him
basement of game corner in celadon city from giovanni
It is located underneath the game corner in celadon city.
In both FireRed and LeafGreen, the game corner is in Celadon City. If you fly to the Pokemon Center and go left, you will see a man standing with his Poliwrath. Turn South and there will be a large red building with a smaller red building beside it. The larger of the two is the game corner, and the smaller of the two is the prize exchange.
go to the game corner and fight the grunt guarding the poster
You can not buy Pokemon from the game corner in Pokemon diamond, but you can in heartgold and soulsilver
there is a game corner on Pokemon soulsilver in goldenrod city right above the Pokemon centre
You can catch it in the central area the one you start in or get 6,000 coins in the game corner and buy one from the Pokemon exchange next to the game corner the middle area is the Pokemon exchange.
That's only in firered, leafgreen, red, blue, yellow, and green. The Pokemon there are actually dolls.
You will need to use the Silph Scope which is obtained from the rocket boss in the rocket game corner.
The game corner's in Veilstone City.
That is available in Team Rocket Game Corner in celadon city
You must be have a eyes glases you can found it in underground of game corner in celadon city