tm 13 is ice beam im also playing pokemon fire red and its getting very addicting!
The best ice Pokemon in firered and leafgreen is sneasel coz it have an very high attack stat and speed it can learn dark and ice attack such as ice beam blizard for ice beat up shadow ball and more..............
At level 31, Lapras learns ice beam. OR you can breed a female lapras with a male poliwrath that knows ice beam. OR you can teach the Lapras at any level the TM 13 ice beam. Ta Daa, answer!
I don't believe its a TM in silver you can get one from red,blue or yellow.
It is not a TM in gold or silver, you must trade a Pokemon from red and blue that knows this more. The ice beam TM is found in Celedon City department store by trading with a girl. Give her a fresh water to receive the TM.
Ice Beam is a Special attack so it's power is based on your pokemon's Special Attack stat.
tm 13 is ice beam im also playing pokemon fire red and its getting very addicting!
ice and dragon if you have a water Pokemon teach it ice beam
You have to defeat Erika in Celadon City. Since it's a grass gym, I recommend either fire, flying, or ice pokemon. (Ice Beam from a Lapras works really well)
The best ice Pokemon in firered and leafgreen is sneasel coz it have an very high attack stat and speed it can learn dark and ice attack such as ice beam blizard for ice beat up shadow ball and more..............
At level 31, Lapras learns ice beam. OR you can breed a female lapras with a male poliwrath that knows ice beam. OR you can teach the Lapras at any level the TM 13 ice beam. Ta Daa, answer!
Someone suggested this team for Pokemon Red/Blue: Charizard with Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Slash, Earthquake Dugtrio with Earthquake, Slash, Rock Slide, and Cut Snorlax with Strength, Hyper Beam, Surf, and Blizzard Exeggutor with Psychic, Mega Drain, Sleep Powder, and Egg Bomb Fearow with Hyper Beam, Drill Peck, Fly, and Mimic Lapras with Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Psychic
I don't believe its a TM in silver you can get one from red,blue or yellow.
It is not a TM in gold or silver, you must trade a Pokemon from red and blue that knows this more. The ice beam TM is found in Celedon City department store by trading with a girl. Give her a fresh water to receive the TM.
go to celadon game room buy coins or win 4'000 coins, then buy tm13. But you can also find it in the cave where you catch Articuno. Hope that helps!
It can be found in the seafoam islands
You get that item in icefall cave its the item to the right of the big ice room.