go to celadon game room buy coins or win 4'000 coins, then buy tm13. But you can also find it in the cave where you catch Articuno. Hope that helps!
You get the TM Ice Beam in the Great Chasm.
go to meteor falls and find a pokeball it holds the TM ice beam your lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your welcome name:bulldog
You find it in the casino for 4000$ or in the abandoned ship
at the game corner for 5500 coins
TM13 is Ice Beam, you can find it on Route 216.
Ice Beam is a Special attack so it's power is based on your pokemon's Special Attack stat.
You get the TM Ice Beam in the Great Chasm.
Ice Beam has a 10% chance of freezing a Pokemon.
go to meteor falls and find a pokeball it holds the TM ice beam your lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your welcome name:bulldog
You find it in the casino for 4000$ or in the abandoned ship
TM13 Ice Beam is in the Seafoam Islands, or you can win it in the Goldenrod City Game Corner.
at the game corner for 5500 coins
TM13 is Ice Beam, you can find it on Route 216.
Ice Beam is a 90 power Ice-type move. It has a 10% chance of freezing the opposing Pokemon.
tm 13 is ice beam im also playing pokemon fire red and its getting very addicting!
That is available in Team Rocket Game Corner in celadon city
There is no kind of TM in Pokemon Crystal version that can teach your Pokemon ice beam. The only way to get it is to learn it naturally.