Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
To re battle red u must defeat the e4. After u beat the e4 red will reappear. do this as much as pleased
Try to get the national dex, or battle using wi-fi. Try to catch all Pokes, or try to train yours to lvl 100. It doesn't end after the E4 :P
Pokemon 134 is Finneon in diamond
Some of the strongest Pokemon trianers in Pokemon diamond & paerl
you need to beat the E4
u supposedly have to beat the e4 7 times in a row but im not sure
Sunyshore city. Beat volkner and go and beat the E4!
After you beat E4 and Get New pokedex go to Hearthrome City.Go into Bebe's house and talk to her. Another way is to go to the Trophy garden and catch one after you get new pokedex and beat E4.Hope it works!
You get a national dex.after you get the national dex you have all the fun catching legendarys and getting national pokemon.hope dis helped!
beat E4.go to canlave then sailors house talk to mother then go to sailor he bring you to new moon island to catch him
train your pokemon
The Elite Four
yes you can trade from shadows of almia (i think). also you can migrate a Pokemon from fireRed leafGreen emerald ruby and sapphire(i think) when you have beaten the e4 and got the national pokedex. hojojojojohoho
unless you die. i got diamond so that and pearl are the same but with different Pokemon SOME STUPID PERSON SAID THERE IS A CHEAT TO UNLOCK THE DOORS WITHOUT BEATING E4 so i tried it. you got to have hm moves rock smash, waterfall,surf,and rock climb. i tried it but it didn't work!
Beat the E4