Try to get the national dex, or battle using wi-fi. Try to catch all Pokes, or try to train yours to lvl 100. It doesn't end after the E4 :P
Normally you can catch it in pearl after beating the elite 4 but in diamond the only way is to trade with someone who has a sealeo on their pearl, or migrate it from emerald.
you can go on the seivii islands 4 to 7
one of the elite 4 has one
Yes, go to any Pokemon center. You need to have passed some point in the game but this is miles before the elite 4.
nope ive tried it did not work
after beating the elite 4 and have all 151 pokemon's seen in the sinnoh dex
Normally you can catch it in pearl after beating the elite 4 but in diamond the only way is to trade with someone who has a sealeo on their pearl, or migrate it from emerald.
To unlock the pal park in diamond/pearl and enable migration from other GBA games, you need to defeat the elite 4 and then get the national poke'dex by seeing all the Pokemon in the diamond/pearl Pokemon region.
kill the elite 4 noob
The Pokemon League after beating the Elite 4.
You get the super rod from a Fisherman in the Battle Zone. you cant get until u beat the elite 4
Recieve it from Elm after beating the Elite 4
Bet the elite 4 and champion.
there are 4 elite fours
After beating the Elite 4 and completing the Sinnoh Pokedex you go there its south of veilstone city and you can find the great Giritina there at lvl 70
try going in the elite four with Pokemon lv. 60-100....