It is located to the west of Opilucid and you can also battle a few people there so you can get money to spend at the department store.
In Pokemon Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl, the department store is is Veilstone city.
Yes, a waiter in the department store at the top floor has a lampent Lv.36 and he also has a minccino
lilycove department store
Veilstone City
At the Veilstone department store (TM90).
In Pokemon Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl, the department store is is Veilstone city.
Theyre called dusk balls and you can get them from the department store in veilstone and the Pokemon legue store. There called dusk balls you can buy them at Veilstone department store and Pokemon league store. They work best at night.
probably the celadon department store or the goldenrod city department store
Yes, a waiter in the department store at the top floor has a lampent Lv.36 and he also has a minccino
The Lilycove Department Store is in Lilycove City, up the stairs behind the POKeMON Center.
lilicove city
celadon city
lilycove department store
Veilstone City
most of the time you can get them from the department store in your game. in Pokemon ruby the department store is in Lilycove city. In Pokemon diamond and pearl it is in Veilstone city.
on the 4th floor of the celadon department store.
The department store