Yes, a waiter in the department store at the top floor has a lampent Lv.36 and he also has a minccino
Lampent is a Ghost and Fire type pokemon.
It's simple. Litwick evolve in the lamp Pokemon Lampent in level 41, and Lampent evolves with a dusk stone into Chandelure.
the ghost Pokemon in black and white are Frillish, Jellicent, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Yamask, Golett, Golurk those are the only ghost type Pokemon in Pokemon black and white.
i have 1
No trainer has it. You have to evolve Ferroseed.THATS WRONG Hillan does (Shes the girl from multi trains that might be your partner)
One Pokemon is lampent.
You cannot find Lampent, you need to evolve Litwick who is found in Celestial Tower
Lampent is a Ghost and Fire type pokemon.
It's simple. Litwick evolve in the lamp Pokemon Lampent in level 41, and Lampent evolves with a dusk stone into Chandelure.
Litwick evolves into Lampent at level 41.
All i know is Lampent into Chandelure.
to lampent at level 41 then to chandelure with a dusk stone
the ghost Pokemon in black and white are Frillish, Jellicent, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Yamask, Golett, Golurk those are the only ghost type Pokemon in Pokemon black and white.
He has a Snivy, Tranquill, Frillish, Lampent, Vanillite, and Conkeldurr... in the current time.
No, there is not.
No there is not a trainer editor in Pokemon black 2 or Pokemon white 2