No trainer has it. You have to evolve Ferroseed.THATS WRONG
Hillan does (Shes the girl from multi trains that might be your partner)
i have 1
in the white forest. if trainer/businessman doug is in white forest, you can find a shinx.
No. There is no trainer with Gigalith. I've been around the entire unova region and nobody had Gigalith
You go on your trainer card you can change which type of trainer you can be and that will automatically change your appearence when in a battle.
If you haven't encountered it then there is a possibility that it might not have a Trainer with a Rufflet. This fact might support the question: "Rufflet is exclusive to Pokemon White Version. And Vullaby is exclusive to Pokemon Black Version."
In Chargestone Cave you find Ferroseed and evolve it at level 40 to a Ferrothorn.
Ferrothorn is a Grass and Steel type pokemon.
Ferroseed does evolve in Ferrothorn at level 40.
Ferrothorn is #598 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Steel type Pokemon.
No, there is not.
No there is not a trainer editor in Pokemon black 2 or Pokemon white 2
I think you mean Electivire. Unfortunately, there are no trainer with an Electivire in Pokemon White. There is only one in Pokemon Black which is in Black City but Black City is not in Pokemon White.
Ferroseed evolves into Ferrothorn at Lv. 40.
A trainer that has an Axew =D
Ferrothorn doesn't evolve.But it evolves from ferroseed or what ever its name is LOL