It's simple. Litwick evolve in the lamp Pokemon Lampent in level 41, and Lampent evolves with a dusk stone into Chandelure.
Litwick evolves at level 41 into Lampent.
Litwick evolves at Lv41.
Litwick evolves into Lampent at Lv. 41, then evolves into Chandelure with a Dusk Stone.
Lampent. You can make Litwick evolve to it at level 41.
Level 41, to Lampent. To evolve it after that, you need a dusk stone
Litwick evolves at level 41 into Lampent.
Level it to 41 and it will evolve
Litwick evolves at Lv41.
Litwick evolves into Lampent at level 41.
Litwick evolves into Lampent at Lv. 41, then evolves into Chandelure with a Dusk Stone.
Lampent. You can make Litwick evolve to it at level 41.
Level 41, to Lampent. To evolve it after that, you need a dusk stone
You must obtain a Litwick then Level it to level 41, you can evolve Lampent further with a dusk stone, evolving it into chandelure.
to lampent at level 41 then to chandelure with a dusk stone
Level 41, then use a Dusk Stone to get it to Chandelure. -Kirby <(^.^)>
It will evolve at level 41 into lampent and you will have to use a dusk stone to make it turn into chandelure.Or just use two dusk stones
level 44 and up into lampent and level 61 use use a firestone and it will evolve into chandelure