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level 44 and up into lampent and level 61 use use a firestone and it will evolve into chandelure

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Q: What level does litwick evolve at in black game?
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What level does litwick evolve at in Pokemon white?

41 than use a dusk stone 2 evolve in2 chandelure (but it'll be useless in the elite 4)(im done the game)

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He does not evolve by level he evolves when u trade to another Pokemon black or white game

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To evolve Pontya into Rapidash, in any Pokemon game, you must level it up to level 40.

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In Diamond and Pearl, and in Black and White 1 and 2, it does not evolve, nor in any other Pokemon game.

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Kangaskhan does not evolve in ANY Pokemon game to date.

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you can make it evolve on the last level of the game.

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