Bunneary evolves when you max out it's happiness. It can evolve at any level.
Anorith Evolves into Armaldo at level 40. This is the same as every single fossil pokemon in every game
You trade Haunter to another Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum version and it will evolve into a Gengar. You will need to trade back to your original Diamond game to get the Gengar. Hope I helped, bye
level 44 and up into lampent and level 61 use use a firestone and it will evolve into chandelure
It evolves to Dusclops at level 37. Note that you can't evolve Dusclops further into Dusknoir in this game, because Dusknoir wasn't introduced until the 4th generation games (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum).
You have to trade it with a friend to evolve it. ___________________________________ Actually, I've got the FireRed version and I have a Machoke, I haven't traded it, but at Level 28 it evolved into a Machamp. :) Well the reason your Machoke evolved was because of a game glitch. Your not really cheating but the game thinks that you traded Machamp. There are 4 ways you can evolve machoke. 1 You trade him. 2 The game thinks you traded him. 3 You migrate it to pal park from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platnum and then when it grows a level it will evolve. Or 4 You use the rock stone wich you can only find in emerald, Diamond, Platnuim and Pearl. You can trade a Pokemon from you Emerald game attached with the rock stone only found in team magma HQ.
he does not evolve in diamond or any game
it does not evolve at a specific level, you have to trade it to a Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum game and level it up by one in mt. coronet
you have to use a leaf stone on weepinbell to get Victreebel
In Diamond and Pearl, and in Black and White 1 and 2, it does not evolve, nor in any other Pokemon game.
Pick Turtwig at the beginning of the game and evolve it.Any level over 30
It doesn't matter which game it is in. When it reaches Level 22, it evolves into a Golbat. Also, if you want to evolve the Golbat into a Crobat, you must level it up with high friendship.
You need to evolve Lavitar to get a Pupitar at level 30 in Pokemon Diamond. Lavitar can be found on route 207 in the game.
It Dos Not Tell you in Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum
Anorith Evolves into Armaldo at level 40. This is the same as every single fossil pokemon in every game
get eevee to love you (get the footprint ribbon from Dr. footprint). Then level it up at night NOT THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you evolve eevee during the day you get espeon.
You can trade from another game, or evolve a Krabby (caught on Route 226) by leveling it up to Level 28.
no golduck does not evolve in any Pokemon game