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Q: Where do you get revives in Pokemon Ruby?
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What is a easy way to beat the Pokemon league in Pokemon ruby?

Just get like 6 level 45-50s and elixers, revives+Max/Hyper potions.

How do you win the Pokemon league on Pokemon ruby?

Simple, beat the champion in the Pokemon league. p.s. The Pokemon league is tough, stock up on max potions,full restores,revives and elixers and ethers if you use to many moves.

Where do you buy max revives in Pokemon ruby?

Sorry but you cannot buy max revives only regular revives however there are some max revives hidden around hoenn. HOWEVER, you can go to Lavaridge Town and in the house next to the gym with a sign in front of it, you can buy revival herb for 2800. It works just like max revive, hope this helps :)

What are the Pokemon in the fossils in ruby?

In Pokemon Ruby, the fossils that can be revived are the Root Fossil, which revives into Lileep, and the Claw Fossil, which revives into Anorith. Lileep is a Rock/Grass type Pokemon and Anorith is a Rock/Bug type Pokemon.

How do you easily beat the champion in Pokemon LeafGreen?

u buy alot of revives or max revives and use them. u buy alot of revives or max revives and use them.

Where do you find revives in Pokemon platinum?

You can find Revives in some Pokémart and while digging underground.

Where do you get revives in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You will find the Revives and some shops may sell them, esp. at the Indigo Plateau,

How do you find what version Pokemon ruby is?

Pokemon ruby's version IS Pokemon ruby.

Whats the difference between a ruby and a sapphire?

Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.

How do you heal your Pokemon before the champion Pokemon pearl?

use your full restores or revives

Ledendary Pokemon in Pokemon ruby?


Where do you buy revives in Pokemon Pearl or diamond?

Any pokemart