You will find the Revives and some shops may sell them, esp. at the Indigo Plateau,
to get fossil Pokemon in heart gold and soul silver in pewter city someone in pewter museum says he revives fossils and you can get them using rock smash in ruins of aiph and other places.
You can find Revives in some Pokémart and while digging underground.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
lilycove department store
You CANNOT LEGALLY download Pokemon Soulsilver.
to get fossil Pokemon in heart gold and soul silver in pewter city someone in pewter museum says he revives fossils and you can get them using rock smash in ruins of aiph and other places.
u buy alot of revives or max revives and use them. u buy alot of revives or max revives and use them.
i am not sure because i have been playing Pokemon black but i am pretty sure u cant but u can buy revile herbs which does the same exact thing
You can find Revives in some Pokémart and while digging underground.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
he is not in Pokemon soulsilver or Pokemon heartgold
POKEMON SOULSILVER come with a poke walker and the Soulsilver game
Pokemon soulsilver and Pokemon heartgold are basically the same game just different versions but i do recommend buying Pokemon soulsilver
lilycove department store
You can't catch bastiodon in Pokemon soulsilver.
You CANNOT LEGALLY download Pokemon Soulsilver.