It's not that far in. Go in from the Oreburg entrance, then head towards the Rock Smashable rocks going south, then turning right. Go up the stairs that are beneath you, before the rocks, then surf across the water. You'll find your dawn stone.
In Pokemon Diamond, Dawn Stone can be found on Route 225 and on Mount Coronet. It will help Kiralia and Snorunt evolve.
mt coronet, near the bottom of the cave, you will need surf to get it signed:hartm017
You can get a Dawn Stone at Mt. Coronet Floor 1 by using surf, you could also get one at route 225 or by using the pickup ability.
There is no other place to get it besides Mount. Coronet. Sorry
in mount coronet
mount coronet near hearthome entrense
In Pokemon Diamond, Dawn Stone can be found on Route 225 and on Mount Coronet. It will help Kiralia and Snorunt evolve.
The dawn stone can be found in the fog in mt coronet but watch out evil lurks through it muahahahaahaha jk have fun subscribe
You get it in Mt. Coronet.
The dawn stone is an item that is used to evolve certain Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond. To get this item, search in Mt. Coronet.
mt coronet, near the bottom of the cave, you will need surf to get it signed:hartm017
it is in mt coronet in the entrance closest to hearthhome city
You can get a Dawn Stone at Mt. Coronet Floor 1 by using surf, you could also get one at route 225 or by using the pickup ability.
Go down the cycling road and to the entrance of mount Coronet. Dawn will give you it.
In PokeMon Diamond, a Dawn Stone can be obtained at Route 225 with the use of Rock Climb. I believe it is at the north end. It can also be found in the Mt. Coronet area with the use of Surf. It is also possible to find a Dawn Stone with the ability 'Pickup'.
The Azure flute is not on mount coronet you have to get it from a special Pokemon event
you need to get to the spear pillar that is the top of the mount coronet to find him