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In Pokemon Diamond, Dawn Stone can be found on Route 225 and on Mount Coronet. It will help Kiralia and Snorunt evolve.

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Q: Dawn stone diamond
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How do you get a dawn stone in Emerald?

you cant get a dawn stone in Pokemon emerald, only in diamond and pearl.

Where do you get a dawn stone on diamond?

The dawn stone is an item that is used to evolve certain Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond. To get this item, search in Mt. Coronet.

Where do you get a dawn stone in the Sapphire?

You don't. It's not in the game. The dawn stone is only in Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum.

How do you get a Dawn Stone in Pokemon Diamond?

You get it in Mt. Coronet.

What does a dawn stone evolve on diamond?

You can use a dawn stone on a male kirlia to evolve into gallade and on a female snorunt into a froslass

Where do you get the dawn stone in emerald?

There is not any dawn stone in Pokemon emerald, only in Diamond and Pearl. And the Pokemon that evolve from this stone don't appear in emerald/ruby/sapphire, they become available in Diamond and Pearl.

Where do you get a dawn stone in emerald?

no you can't it is only in diamond and pear.

What Pokemon evovles by dawn stone in diamond?

kirlia and snorunt

How do you find a dawn stone in Pokemon Emerald?

You cannot get the Dawn Stone in Pokemon Emerald, as it is first introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Where do you get a dawn stone in Pokemon LeafGreen?

there are no dawn stones they were not introduced until Pokemon diamond and pearl

How do you get gallade in diamond?

well get a female curlia and give it a shiney stone or a dawn stone i forgot

Where to find the dawn stone in the game diamond?

In PokeMon Diamond, a Dawn Stone can be obtained at Route 225 with the use of Rock Climb. I believe it is at the north end. It can also be found in the Mt. Coronet area with the use of Surf. It is also possible to find a Dawn Stone with the ability 'Pickup'.