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There are invisible tiles

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Q: Where is the coin bag on puffle rescue level 1 in the caves in club penguin?
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How do you open the locked on the cave on club penguin?

On puffle rescue pick the black puffle .When you get to the level with a squid follow it.

Where is the key for the door in the hidden lake on club penguin?

Play puffle rescue on the black puffles and find the key on the first level

How many levels are on puffle rescue on club penguin?

There are unlimited levels but the levels will just repeat them selves after level 9 but the levels will get faster!

How do you get to puffle launch in club penguin?

Just simply rescue all the puffles in each level until you rescue 30 puffles.

What is the riddle on Club Penguin '' Seek the black puffle in puddle rescue and follow the shadow but watch out for?

In Puffle Rescue there is this secret octopus shadow in the Black Puffle levels. Keep following it and it will bring you to a secret level, and if you beat it you can get to the secret underwater room and you get a pin that looks like Rockhopper's Key with seaweed on it!

Where is the key to puffle rescue on Club Penguin?

On the first level, get to the black puffle and then follow the shadow of the giant squid. Use the bubbles to float back up. Once you are at the end, follow the maze to the stairs.

How many missions are there till you get the key in puffle rescue on club penguin?

one on the first level of black puffle get the puffle but DON'T take him back to the spot you wait till a big shadow apears then follow the shadow but stay in the bubbles it leaves behind

Where do you get the key to the hidden lake room on club penguin?

You go to the mine. You then play puffle rescue. Then play the black puffle version. Then you follow the octupus in the first level and find a secret room to get the black key and a key.

How do you do level 5 on Club Penguin?

Games on Club PenguinI cannot answer this question because you weren't specific enough. What game are you talking about? Bean Counters? Puffle Rescue?

On Club Penguin how do you higher the energy level for your puffle?

Feed Him!

Do you get a prize if you win puffle rescue?

if you follow the giant squid shadow and jump on the bubbles behind it in the first level of the black puffle rescue you get the key to the underwater member room

What level is the squid in in puffle rescue?

Seriously, you would only know if your a member like me, its in the first level