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go down ladder and surf left, you need rock climb and go into room and it will be there and you can catch REGIROCK there if you have the special lv. 100 regigigas, it will be one of the random encounters so you just have to walk around with the event regigigas behind you and it has a 50 percent chance of it appearing.

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Q: Where is the cliff cave in Pokemon heart-gold?
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after you beat the elite four, you can find they fossil in Cliff Cave. good luck!

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You can catch a Misdreavus on Mt. Silver, The Cliff Cave, or the Safari Zone (has special requirements).

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You can battle wildOnix in/at:Union Cave, Mt. Silver, The Cliff Cave, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road, Safari Zone

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Machoke can be found in the following places - Mt. Mortar, The Cliff Cave, Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel Safari Zone (Special Items).

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cliff cave, cliff edge gate , ruins of alph and union cave . [[ use surf]]

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Yes, but only in Cliff Cave.

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There is no Carmen Cave.

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safari zone, cliff cave, and mt. silver-nighttime it is rare in these areas so you may have to look for a while

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in the cave!

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Cerulean Cave.