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after you beat the elite four, you can find they fossil in Cliff Cave. good luck!

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Q: Where do you get an anorith fossil in Pokemon HeartGold?
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Where to get anorith in Pokemon emerald?

You get Anorith from a certain Pokemon fossil.

Pokemon Sapphire-what Pokemon do you get from a claw fossil?

You'll get an Anorith. CLAW fossil- anorith root fossil-lileep helix fossil- kabuto

What is a claw fossil in Pokemon?

The Claw fossil is a fossil which contains a Pokemon named Anorith, for you to get Anorith is to take the fossil and give it to a scientist in Devon Corp. (Rustboro City). After some time he will call you and tell you to come for the Pokemon (Anorith).

What Pokemon is the Claw Fossil?

The Claw Fossil is Anorith.

What are the fossils in Pokemon emerald?

Claw Fossil - Anorith Root Fossil - Lileep

Which fossils can you get in Pokemon HeartGold?

omanyte and anorith and aerodactyl

What Pokemon is the root fossil in Pokemon sapphire?

root fossil is lileep claw fossil is anorith

Fossil Pokemon Ruby?

Anorith and Lileep.

What pokemon comes out of a claw fossil?


In Pokemon emerald what do you get if you choose the claw fossil or the claw fossil?

the claw fossil is better superkidra- more specifically The Claw fossil is a fossil which contains a Pokemon named Anorith, for you to get Anorith is to take the fossil and give it to a scientist in Devon Corp. (Rustboro City). After some time he will call you and tell you to come for the Pokemon (Anorith).

Can you get fossils in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes you can. Use HM Rock Smash in the following places; Ruins of Alph: Helix fossil (Omanyte) and Old Amber (Aerodactyl) Cliff Cave: Claw fossil (Anorith)

What are the fossil Pokemon in diamond?

fossil Pokemon are:Aerodactyl,cranidos,kabuto,anorith,lilleep forget my spelling