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In Deford town

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Q: Where is the cave that needs flash?
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Do you need flash for digglets cave?

No, Diglett's Cave does not require Flash.

What do you do when your in regice's cave on Pokemon ruby?

U will need flash for this. once you have flash you stand in the middle of his cave and use flash then go in and catch the FUTHAMUKA

How do you make a cave disappear with flash heartgold?

You can't make a cave disapear. You can light up caves with flash, and that's about it.

What happen when you use flash you the cave?

you get let all around the cave

How do you get TM flash in Pokemon emerald?

Flash is actually an HM in emerald but anyways to get it you will need to enter Granite Cave you can find the cave near Dewford Town inside the cave when you first enter you will notice a Hiker speak to him to receive the HM Flash.

Where can you find the flash in Pokemon FireRed?

look you go to digglet cave and get out of it in the other side then there will be a tree that needs cut after you cut it there is a building beside it go to that building and there a professor that asks you if you have 10 pokemons in pokedex if you do he will give you flash

What Pokemon can learn flash in sapphire?

Find an Abra to give flash in the cave in dewford.

What does the clue at the back of the cave where you get registeel mean?

It means to use flash in the middle of the cave

What does regice's cave say?

Use fly or flash in the middle or do a lap around the cave.

Which Pokemon in Dewford Cave can learn HM Flash in Pokemon Sapphire?

Of the seven pokemon available in Granite Cave, the cave northwest of Dewford Town, only Abra and Sableye can learn HM05 Flash.

How do you brighten the cave at whirl island?

You need to have flash.

How do you get the hm flash in emerald?

the hiker in granite cave