the room with the many fans and use the Lens of Truth to
position yourself effectively. Position yourself in front of the secret area
and equip the Hover Boots. Run with the fan as it blows you over and
then go in the next room. In this room, kill the Gibdos and then use a Bomb
on top of the pile of dirt just near the entrance. Once it has been blown up,
turn on the Lens of Truth to see the treasure chest where the dirt was. Open
the chest for a small key.
In the next room, push and pull the big block onto the gold symbol so you can
reach the ladder. Go onto the ship, but don't set sail yet. Use your Longshot
to get the Gold Skulltula in the little fenced in area. You can use Pierre
here if you want to get onto the platform itself. Once you are ready, play
Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol on the ship to make it sail. You will
fight Stalfos along the way, but should not be a problem. When the ship
reaches its end, Navi will warn you to jump ship, which you should do, onto
the nearby platform. Enter the nearby door.
In this room, you can only see the walls between the columns if you turn on
the Lens of Truth, don't bother the Floor Masters unless you really want to.
Enter through the north door first. In this room, wooden walls with spikes
start closing in. What do you do? Din's Fire that's what. Make sure to grab
the boss key in this room. Now, go back to the invisible maze room and go
through the south door.
In this room, use the Lens of Truth to see the invisible Floor Master. Kill
him and his spawn to get a Small Key. Now, go back to the invisible maze room
and go through the west door.
This room is like the Burning Skull room, except three times the fun. You can
blow them all up to get some Rupees, but I want you to come here to get the
Gold Skulltula that is behind the 3 Burning Skulls on the wall. Now, go back
through the invisible maze room back into the area where you landed on from
the ship. Look on the other side of the pit, you will see some Bomb Plants.
Use an arrow on one of the Bomb Plants and all will explode which will send
down the Bird Statue. Cross using the Bird Statue and go through the door.
In this room, use your Hover Boots to go from platform to platform until you
reach the northern most platform. Use your Lens of Truth on the door there so
you can see that it needs a Boss Key. Pass through the door into the small
room which only has a pit. Jump through the pit to begin your boss battle. good job at explaining. i couldn't have explained it better my self. ~Dark Link 2.0~
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Play the black puffle rescue and follow the Shadow of the octopus and then you are in the secret room and you have the key.
On the black puffle rescue get the puffle and wait there until you see a squid shadow and then follow it but keep walking into the bubbles so you don't sink and then the shadow will lead you into a secret place and find the key! that's all
A more specific answer cannot be provided as you neglected to mention which game you are asking about, but the key to beating boss type enemies in video games is typically a recently acquired skill or item.
The lift key is the key to operate the lift in the underground base of Team Rocket in Celadon City. The key can be obtained upon defeating one of the Rockets inside the building. You will need to the key to go to Giovanni, the boss, and when you defeat him, you will obtain the silph scope.
: ) xxxin the first level, u know the shadow underneath u when u get the puffle? well u have to be a member, but u follow the shadow and u should get the key. go on the bubbles that r coming up so u dont drown