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Go to town and on the outside of the night club on the word disco on the outside

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Q: Where is the big S on club penguin?
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What is the big letter S in club penguin?


Were do you find the big letter s in club penguin?

the BIG S is in the word diSco on the nightclub

How do you grow big in Club Penguin?

There is no way you can "grow big" in Club Penguin

Where is the big s in Club Penguin?

if you are on about the first epf field-op mission, the big 'S' is in the town under the nightclub sign, where it says disco.

What is corina98's Club Penguin?

it means her club penguin account

Can you be big on Club Penguin?

yes you can ONLY you get penguin storm 6.1 then you press edit when you are on club penguin then it says size you press BIG SMALL ENORMOUS

What is a giant s on Club Penguin?

The giant "s" on club penguin is the one on the night club. If you are on the field-op, you have to click on the disk below the s.

Where is Herbert's popcorn device in Club Penguin Field Op?

where the big letter "S" is ,that's the nightclub

How do you see the s on club penguin?

you make your penguin

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How do you find the big letter S on club penguin?

Go to the town and look at the nightclub. There will be a swirly S towards the right of it. Enjoy!