Well it really depends on what you want to catch. I like to fish with a super rod at the safari zone because you can somtimes catch a dratini and you may be able to catch dragonair too but im not sure.
Rainy places
In Fushia City you can get a Good Rod. Fish somewhere.
You fish for it in the town the third gymleader is with a super rod.
Fish for it in the river by Fortree City using the best rod that you have.
Fishing guide
You can't catch staryu in firered only in leafgreen or ruby or sapphire or emerald.
Rainy places
If you are catching water pokemon, go to a body of water and stay in that one place while you fish. that way, you wont waste steps and you will have unlimetted time
It's easy Treeko the wood geko Pokemon ,mudkip the mud fish Pokemon and torchick the fire chick Pokemon
The best place to fish in Sacramento is in the Delta.
In Fushia City you can get a Good Rod. Fish somewhere.
Rubios is the best place to buy a fish taco if you want to go plain and american.
Fish near ever grande city. (In emerald) In fire red you must get it in a trade.
in a ocean
You fish for it in the town the third gymleader is with a super rod.
below is a list of good places to level up those Pokemon. graveler- i don't know staraptor- any plkace with physic Pokemon such as mt coronet to battle medicham. infernape- one of the my strongest and fav Pokemon. mine can beat almost any Pokemon i challenge except for phscyic type. the best place is snowpoint if it knows fighting type Pokemon or any place that has grass Pokemon if it knows fire type moves. luxray-another one of my favs. The best place is to surf or fish for water type Pokemon since it knows electric moves. azumarill- any are with fire type Pokemon. Roselia- go to the same places as luxray. use grass type moves on the water Pokemon. hope this helps! u can level up greevler by going to stark mounten if u have natal dex
Yes, as long as the fish and Fire Bellied Toads are around the same size and the toads have a place were they can get out of the water if they want to.