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The Pokemon Fan Club is located in Vermilion City in the Kanto Region. It is a slightly different house than all of the others, so it can be easy to spot.

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Q: Where is the Pokemon fan club in SoulSilver?
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Who has the pokedall in SoulSilver in the Pokemon fan club?

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How do you impress the Pokemon fan club in vermilion city in Pokemon SoulSilver?

I think it's beat red

What do you do after you get the train pass ticket in Pokemon soulsilver?

talk to copycat in saffron city, then find the poke doll in the Pokemon fan club, then take it to her.

Where is the Pokemon fan club in Pokemon Blue?

The Pokemon Fan Club is in Vermilion City.

Where is the Pokémon fan club in Pokémon soulsilver?

It is in Vermillion City.

Where is Pokemon fan club in Pokemon Yellow?

The Pokemon Fan Club is located at the Northwestern part of Vermilion City.

How do you get the railroad ticket on Pokemon SoulSilver?

go to Pokemon fan club in vermilion and talk to guy in pink shirt he will give you doll to give to copycat in saffron she will give you train pass

Where is the Pokemon fan club in fire red?

The Trainers Fan Club is in Saffron City

How do you get in the Pokemon fan club in emerald?

beat the elite four and fly to lilycove city and go to the Pokemon fan club and you become a fan of the three children.

Where is Pokemon fun club in heart gold?

The Pokemon Fan Club is in Vermillion City.

Can jirachi evolve on Pokemon SoulSilver?

no for it does not have a second stage i know this because i use to be a Pokemon fan myself

How can get latios in Pokemon SoulSilver?

After obtaining the National Dex and seeing Steven while leaving the Pokemon Fan Club in Vermilion City, Latios will be roaming around Kanto, similar to how Entei and Raikou roam around Johto