If you mean the Pokemon fan club in Vermillion City, then the answer is yes, it is free.
yes why would you pay for something that doesnt help youy but either way yes its free
I believe you can change your "username," but not your screen name." It's unfortunate.
There is no Trainer Hill in Pokemon Ruby. Trainer Hill is only in Pokemon Emerald.
The first trainer on the way to the Pokemon league has a luminion.
It is a wild Pokemon, so no, it does not belong to a trainer. You can't catch other trainer's Pokemon.
yes why would you pay for something that doesnt help youy but either way yes its free
have a trainer club account
just a trainer club where fans hang out
You can't download a trainer that gives you free membership.
I believe you can change your "username," but not your screen name." It's unfortunate.
Cp trainer ___. Many of them.
In Pokémon HeartGold, the Pokémon Trainer Fan Club can be found in Vermilion City.
ise cp trainer 2
that does not work but if you type club penguin trainer 1 2 or 3 lots of sites will appear to you!
There is one in Auckland - https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-trainer-club/play-pokemon-leagues/5601/