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Petalburg City.

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Q: Where is the 5th gym in emerald?
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Where do you go after the 5th gym in Pokemon emerald?

Go to petalburg then walk into the gym its simple!

Where is the treasure hunter in Pokemon Emerald?

It is near the 5th gym.

What are the pokeom of the 5th gym in emerald?

2 Vigoroth, Slaking and Chaney.

How do you get shroomish in Pokemon emerald?

it's in the woods between the first gym badge and 5th gym badge

How 2 get surf on Pokemon Emerald?

u get it from wally's dad after beating the 5th gym

What number is petalburg gym on Pokemon emerald?

Petalburg Gym is the 5th Gym you'll be able to challenge on Pokemon Emerald. There's a little story reason for this as the Gym Leader, Norman, is the player character's father and wanted to see you grow stronger before challenging you.

How you can get the surf in Pokemon emerald?

After winning 5th gym,wally's dad gives it.

What is the 6th gym in emerald?

The sixth gym in the gym in fortree city....and the leader is winnona...

How do you beat the Petalburg Gym on Pokemon Emerald the 5th gym i have a mudkip lvl 39 a sableye lvl 20 and a taillow lvl 19?

Haha noob

How do you get all the gym badges on Pokemon emerald?

Defeat all of the Gym leaders on Emerald. ~KKMG1

Where the 7th gym bage is in emerald?

The seventh gym badge in Emerald is located in Mossdeep City.

When will Norman battle with me at poke'mon emerald verson at Game Boy?

At the 5th gym when youv defeated flannery in lavaridge town