After solving the puzzle of the Sealed Chamber in the third generation Pokemon games, three legendary Pokemon becomes obtainable. Regirock is found in the Desert Ruins. Regice is found in the Island Cave. Registeel is found in the Ancient Tomb.
Ice and Rock pokémon are weak against steel". Steel is weak against Fire, Fighting and Ground
Fighting, Rock, Fire and Steel
Ice and Rock Pokemon
Fighting, Fire, Rock and Steel types are good against Ice
my friend would like to know hoe to catch reggie rock and im a girl and i dont even know who or what is reggie rock help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are three that are Ice, Steel and Rock. Ice- Reggieice Steel-Reggiesteel Rock- Reggierock King Reggie is Reggiegigas
Ice and Rock pokémon are weak against steel". Steel is weak against Fire, Fighting and Ground
ice and rock
Rock and Ice
Rock beat Ice types also Steel, Fire and Fighting types.
Steel-Type attacks deal 2X to Ice- and Rock-Type Pokemon, and 0.5X damage to Fire-, Water-, Electric- and other Steel-Type Pokemon.
Fire, Fighting, Steel and Rock.
Fire, fighting, rock and steel.
Fighting, Rock, Fire and Steel
Ice and Rock Pokemon
u need to migrate Reggie rock Ice and steel the put them in your party and go to the snowpoint temple and keep going down the levels until u find the regiggas statue and the three will go into the statue then you will battle him
Fire-, rock-, fighting-, and steel-type moves are all super-effective against a pokemon that is only ice-type.