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she's only on AQ worlds, and i know because I'm level 120 on adventurequest

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Q: Where is mazumi the ninja trainer in AQ?
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How do you get ninja class on aq?

you can get ninja class from MAZUMI at greenguardwest it cost 15000 >.>.

Where is the ninja trainer in aq worlds?

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How can you have a ninja class on aq worlds?

The ninja trainer in greenguardwest sells it.

In where is ninja class in aq worlds?

You should know this already, if not then it's in /join greenguardwest. Talk to the ninja trainer and she has a shop with Ninja class.

How do you become a ninja in adventure qust worlds?

You go to greengaurdwest and then you talk to Mazumi

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you need to become a member then goto mazumi in green guard, buy ninja class then buy the assassin class from mazumi also

How do you get ninja class in adventure quest?

go to greenguard west ten buy it in mazumi's shop

Where is the ninja rank 10 shop in AQworlds?

By Mazumi in Greenguard West. /join greenguardwest and run left.

Who is best AQ trainer?

the cef like talix thomisbak and britney But, you could allways try this AQ trainer. -

Who is the adventure Quest trainer of the ninja class?

1. Say /join battleon and you will goto battleon. 2. Click on Enhancements on the side of the page. 3. Click on Hybrid and it will take you to her.

Where is the ninja trainer in Free Realms?

The ninja trainer is in lakeshore. his name is TY.