you definitely need help here, so go read everything on bulbapedia and serebii and psypokes, then here is the solution... mahogany town is in mahogany town!
Mahogany town
Route 43 after you beat the Team Rocket in Mahogany Town
U can get it frm mahogany town mart for 9800 coins
In mahogany town in the team rocket hideout lance gives it to u
By defeating/capturing the red grades in mahogany town and in the info plate a trainer you never saw appears his name OS lance and he wants you to help him with the magikarp mystery.......
Mahogany town
ermm........................................................... i dont know.
simple battle
golden rod city in johto and mahogany town in kanto
East of Mahogany Town inside the ice path (Night)
Route 43 after you beat the Team Rocket in Mahogany Town
U can get it frm mahogany town mart for 9800 coins
In mahogany town in the team rocket hideout lance gives it to u
the one next to mahogany town, if ur talking about the dojo dude
Go to the right of Ecruteak, & either go through the cave, or if you have Surf already, surf through the water, & you will be at route 42, which is very short & will lead you directly to Mahogany Town.
you either find an item from someone or complete a certain quest
By defeating/capturing the red grades in mahogany town and in the info plate a trainer you never saw appears his name OS lance and he wants you to help him with the magikarp mystery.......