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By defeating/capturing the red grades in mahogany town and in the info plate a trainer you never saw appears his name OS lance and he wants you to help him with the magikarp mystery.......

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Q: How do you beat team rocket in mahogany town in Pokemon crystal?
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After you beat them in mahogany town.

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You have to beat the gym leader, Pryce, in Mahogany City.

In Pokemon Crystal where you get whirlpool?

In Mahogany Town you have to go to the house north of the Gym and Pokemon Center (the one directly between the two). Lance will be there and so will Team Rocket. You've got to beat Team Rocket before Lance will give you HM06 Whirlpool.

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First you have to beat Team Rocket in Mahogany Town and Lance will give you the HM Whirlpool. You also have to beat the Mahogany gym to be able to use it.

When does lance come and find you in Pokemon silver?

In mahogany town where he will want help to beat team rocket there

What do you do after you beat the mahogany city gym on crystal?

you beat it

How do you get to the mahogany gym in Pokemon Crystal?

To get to Pryce's gym is, get/battle Red Gyarados. Then you'll see Lance at the sign. Talk to him and he'll teleport all the way back to Mahogany Town. Go to the shop and you'll see him. After you beat Team Rocket, then there. You can go now.

How do you get to Pryce in Pokemon Silver?

You have to beat Team Rocket in their hideout in Mahogany Town. Once you do that, you can go to the gym and challenge him.

How do you get the TM move whirlpool in Pokemon silver version?

If you help Lance beat Rocket in Mahogany town, you will receive it.

How do you know when you are supposed to defeat Team Rocket at the radio tower in Pokemon Heart Gold?

After you beat pryce in mahogany town

Why can't you get past the guy in Mahogany town?

To get past you need to have: Beat Team Rocket in Mahogany (Lance found at the Lake of Rage will tell you where the entrance is) Beat Team Rocket in Goldenrod Beat the gym leader of Mahogany, Pyrce.