In mahogany town where he will want help to beat team rocket there
After the Dragon's Den (when not battling Lance), you can find your rival at the Pokemon League on Mondays and Wednesdays.
You can't find Mew in Pokémon Silver.
You can find sunkern in national park
After helping Lance beating Team Rocket in Mahogany Town, he will give it to you.
Union Cave
you get it after defeating team rocket in goldenrod lance gives it to you
You get it by teaming up with Lance and defeat the Team Rocket Headquarters. Lance will give you Whirlpool once you defeat them.
Once you find the Team Rockets lair and you beat them and you catch/defeat the Voltages Lance will give you whirlpool.
After the Dragon's Den (when not battling Lance), you can find your rival at the Pokemon League on Mondays and Wednesdays.
In the gym. After you win the league twice, In the Dragon's Den Double battle with your rival against Lance and Clair.
You can't find Mew in Pokemon Silver.
there is not a secretpotion in Pokemon silver Daniel robertson
If you go to the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City just behind the gym, go down the ladder and walk straight and then you'll find your rival from the beginning and he'll ask you to battle with him against Lance and Clair.
You find Moltres in Mt. Silver.
You don't find it. You find larvitar, which is located at Mt. Silver.
to find out how to catch teddiursa in Pokemon silver... YOU CAN'T IDIOT
in Pokemon soul silver you will find it (it is not in the grass)