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U can get it frm mahogany town mart for 9800 coins

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Q: Where you found slowpoke tail in Pokemon Crystal?
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Why do you need the slowpoke tail in Pokemon soul silver?

You don't it just heals all of your pokemon

Where get slowpoke tail in Pokemon Crystal?

When you are in violet city go then south and then there is a man, talk to him he says it cost 1,000,000 coins, but you can't carry that amount. The max amount of coins you can carry is 999,999.

Why do you need the slowpoke tail in Pokemon SoulSilver?

It is just a collectors item ZERO effect.

Where get slowpoke tail in Pokemon Red?

You can't. It's only available in Generation II games (Gold, Silver and Crystal). In fact, you can never really obtain it at all, since it sells for P1,000,000, one more PokeDollar than you can carry.

Where can you find a raticate tail in gold?

You can't get a Raticate Tail in Pokemon Gold, Silver, or Crystal.

How do you get past the guy that's blocking route 40 on crystal?

if its the guy that tries to rip you off buy buying a slowpoke tail just say no and he will move out your way

In Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver the Slowpoke Tail may be considered a key item and how can you get it and what purpose does it serve?

it costs 1 million dollars and its not usefull

How do you get slowpoke tail soul silver?

Mahogany Town

What is the second password to get into the Team Rocket warehouse?

slowpoke tail

Pokemon heart of gold slowpoke tail sceame?

you have to speak to this lady and then where that little hole is you go round the path and into the cave and then you fight loads of team rocket people.

What level is slowpoke bitten by shellder in Pokemon heart gold version?

It doesn't evolve by getting its tail bitten it evolves at level 37 by training it a shelder won't bite the tail the evolution happens out of training methods.

Can slowpoke be holding a kings rock in the wild on Pokemon pearl?

Slowpoke cannot be holding a King's Rock in the wild on Pokemon Pearl and instead maybe holing the Lagging Tail item. However wild Poliwhirls now have a chance of holding it King's Rock. Wild Poliwhirls can be found in Route 225 with the Super Rod or on Routes 227 and 228 by surfing. Alternatively if you have a Pokemon with the Pick Up ability and at levels between 11 and 30 it has a 1% chance of picking up a King's Rock.