He is in the south western part of the city, but you will need the HM01 (Cut) to get there (There is a tree there that needs to be cut down).
So first you have to get HM01 in the S.S. Anne
talk to the trainers and lt surge
in vermilion city, after you beat LT. SURGE he gives it to you with the THUNDERBADGE
TM24 is given by Lt Surge after his defeat at the Vermilion City gym.
Bulbasaur: a house in Cerulean City after defeating Lt. Surge Charmander: a boy north of Nugget Bridge Squirtle: Officer Jenny in Vermilion City after defeating Lt. Surge
the 3rd gym lt surge the eleteric guy in vermilion city
talk to the trainers and lt surge
Lt Surge an electric type Pokemon leader.
You can get Squirtle from Officer Jenny after you defeat Lt. Surge and get the Thunderbadge in Vermillion City. To get to the gym, you must obtain cut from the captain of the S.S. Anne.first, defeat the gym leader in vermilion city and then talk to the officer jenny outside and she will give you a squirtle.After you defeat Lt Surge you go to Officer Jenny in the centre and she gives you squirtle at level 10talk to Officer Jenny in Vermilion City after beating Lt. Surge
The third Gym Leader is Lt. Surge and you can find him in Vermilion City.
Vermilion City (the town where lt. Surge is), in the house near the pokemon center.
in vermilion city, after you beat LT. SURGE he gives it to you with the THUNDERBADGE
TM24 is given by Lt Surge after his defeat at the Vermilion City gym.
Bulbasaur: a house in Cerulean City after defeating Lt. Surge Charmander: a boy north of Nugget Bridge Squirtle: Officer Jenny in Vermilion City after defeating Lt. Surge
the 3rd gym lt surge the eleteric guy in vermilion city
it is lt surge and he is in the south of vermilion city south of saffron cityits in fuchsic city
To use the HM Fly, you have to have the Thunder Badge, won from Lt. Surge in Vermilion City.
Officer Jenny is in Vermilion City. She gives you a Squirtle after you defeat Lt. Surge if you have the starter Pikachu in your team.