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Officer Jenny is in Vermilion City. She gives you a Squirtle after you defeat Lt. Surge if you have the starter Pikachu in your team.

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Q: Where is officer jenny on Pokemon Yellow?
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Where to get suirtle in Pokemon Yellow?

You get squirtle from officer Jenny in Cerulean city.

Where can you get squirtlle in Pokemon Yellow?

after you get the thunder badge talk to officer jenny

Where is officer Jenny in Pokemon Yellow?

Officer Jenny can be found in Vermilion City and will give you a Squirtle once you've proved yourself.

Where do you get squrtle in Pokemon Yellow?

Officer Jenny gives it to you after you beat Lt. Surge in his gym

How do you get Squirtle in Pokemon lightning yellow?

talk to officer jenny after getting the thunder badge

When in Pokemon Yellow do you get Squirtle?

You talk to Officer Jenny in Vermilion City after getting the Thunder Badge, then she'll give it to you.

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Where to get Squirtle in Yellow?

to get squrtile in pokemon yellow you have to travel to vermillian city and defeat Lt surge, upon defeating him return to officer Jenny who is in the middle of town and talk to her, she will then give you squrtile

How do you get Squirtle in yello?

In Pokemon Yellow, you will receive a Squirtle by talking to the Officer Jenny in Vermillion City after defeating Lt. Surge and getting the Thunder Badge.

When will you find squrtal on Pokemon Yellow version?

go to the 3rd gym badge place battle the gym leader, beat him , talk to officer jenny for your squirtle.

Where to find Squirtle on Pokemon Yellow?

After defeating Lt. Surge, the Gym Leader of Vermilion City, you can talk to Officer Jenny nearby the Gym and she will give you a Squirtle.

How do you get a squitrtle in Pokemon Yellow?

To get Squirtle, you must first beat Lt. Surge in Vermillion City. Once you do, talk to officer Jenny in the middle of the City and she will give you Squirtle.