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talk to the trainers and lt surge

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Q: How do you fight the vermilion city gym?
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In Pokemon heartgold what do you do after you leave the ssaqua and arrive in Vermilion City?

Fight the remaining 8 gym leaders.

Where is the 3rd gym in FireRed?

Vermilion City.

What city are the switches in for the Vermilion City Gym?

The Switches to get to Lieutenant Surge in his gym are in the trash cans in his gym.

What gym on Pokemon FireRed is after the cerulean city?

Vermilion city.

How do you get throuth the gate in Vermilion City?

There is no gate in Vermilion City, unless you mean to get to the gym, in which you have to cut down the tree.

How do you get the vermilion city gym badge in Pokemon fire red?

beat the gym

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Vermilion city.

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Vermilion city

Where is the gym that alows fly Pokemon fire red?

Vermilion city.

Where is the third gym leader in fire red Pokemon?

He is in Vermilion City!!!

Where is the third gym in FireRed?

The third Gym is in Vermilion City. Its speciality is Electric type,and its weakness is water.

How do you get to pass the two fences in vermilion city to get to thhe gym leader?

cut hm01 obtain, 3rd gym