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right side of Vermilion city; the city where the KANTO electric gym is

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Q: Where is the sleeping Snorlax in Pokemon HeartGold?
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Where is virdian city in Pokemon HeartGold?

Viridian City is in the Kanto region. You'll be able to get there by going through Diglett's cave after waking the sleeping Snorlax.

Wheres the lighthouse in Pokemon Ranger?

Ok, first you go to the place where the sleeping Snorlax was. The snorlax will no longer be there. You go in the hole and there it is.

How do you wake the sleeping Snorlax on Pokemon heartgold?

Play the channel Pokeflute on your gear near him then talk to him. You ge the flute by talking to the old man in the radio tower.

Who Is Snorlax?

Snorlax is a Pokemon. A Pokemon that spends most of its time sleeping, otherwise its eating and yes this Pokemon is quite big.

What do you do with the flute on Pokemon HeartGold?

The PokeFlute is used to awaken Snorlax.

Where is the sleeping snorlax in Pokemon Gold?

Snorlax is found at the intersection of routes 11 and 12.

Pokemon HeartGold what Pokemon does red have?

Pikachu Lapras Charizard Venasuar Blastoise Snorlax

How do you get past the sleeping Snorlax in Pokemon Yellow?

Get the flute

Can Snorlax learn giga impact?

Imran: Yes Snorlax can learn giga impact. When I caught the Snorlax Lvl50 that was sleeping in front of Digletts Cave it knew Giga Impact in Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver. I do not know about other pokemon games in which you can catch Snorlax that they would know Giga Impact or not. But of course you can teach Snorlax Giga Impact with a TM. So, yes Snorlax can learn Giga Impact.

What Pokemon do ash have on heartgold in mt silver?

Pikachu Lapras Snorlax

Where is Snorlax in Pokemon HeartGold?

Route 11 - it should be obvious exactly where...

What do you do after the curelean gym in HeartGold?

wake up the sleeping snorlax in front of diglet cave with the pokeflute